err # This error info is not ment for user output, it is for you to debug your # application, most common problem is XML-DTD violations, strings being to # long or data type not correct (READ THE SUREPAY SDK GUIDE!!!) # Another NOTE: # Surepay have changed their test numbers and such severald times, at the # moment of release of this version it is # # Creditcard test AUTH: # cc number: 4012000033330026 any future exp date # $11 = AUTH $21 = "REF" $31 = "DCL" any other may give "ERR" # This test request uses total $1 shipping, and 1x$5 + 1x$5 goods, # total $11. Just change the item quantities to try the other status. # # TeleCheck AUTH: # Check number 1001 # MICR number 1234567804390850001001 # Any value should work, but at this very moment there are some problems # with Telechecks test server, it works thru Surepay and the Telecheck # server returns: General failure: TeleCheckProcessingError: TeleCheck returned Check Failure (807) # If you get that your XML and request may be ok. # # I have also found some bugs and weakneses in Surepays processing, here is a # couple of them: # # - Do not add % as character data, best off staying away from it totally. # This can cause surepays servlets to crash and gives a 500 server error. # # - Do not convert < > & ' " to the correct XML entities, surepays parser or # data collector rejects any characterdata like < and so on. # # - Phone numbers in address are limited length (stay 11 digits or less), they # claim to be "US domestic oriented" (?) # # - The surepayd SDK documentation is outdated and very inaccurate. Several things # does not work as specified nor does the DTD specify all required fields, such # as cvv2 must be specified even if not being used. Surepays own sample does not # work very well either. It has been like this for more than 6 month now, as # of the date of release of this script. When will we see SDK 1.5? And a new # improved DTD or Schema? # # - What is the correct way to handle ref? Should the script handle and check # avs and cvv2status responses to something automatically? If someone has # a guideline to this would be appreciated.. ( # For this test script we'll give it a couple of minutes before php # times out... ini_set('max_execution_time','120'); # Include the library file include ('sausurepay.php'); # Mandatory #@ sausp #~ Create an object of the sausp class that we will work with #~ This will set up and initialize the basic object/skeleton for a request #~ $ssp->err should be false/0/nothing after any successful function ## Syntax: ## vobject_identifier: sausp ( ## boolean: live? ## ,string: merchant id ## ,string: password ## [,array: extra pp.request parameters ] ## ) $ssp = new sausp ( false, '1001' , 'password'); # Mandatory /* Of course you must use your own id and pwd for a live request */ if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description # Echo some heading for our test output echo '

SauSurePay '.$ssp->version." test:





           add_lineitem (incl 2 option's)

   #@ add_auth
   #~ Create an AUTH object in the request
   #~ Optionally you can add shipping address and/or order text here instead
   #~ of using their own functions.

   ## Syntax:
   ##  object_identifier: add_auth (
   ##     array: auth parameters
   ##    ,[array: shipping address]
   ##    ,[array: ordertext (type and text)]
   ##  )

     $auth = $ssp->add_auth( 
         'ordernumber'     => '18140517',
         'ecommerce'       => 'true',
         'ecommercecode'   => '07',
         'ponumber'        => 'Verbal Hagar',
         'ipaddress'       => $REMOTE_ADDR,
         'shippingcost'    => '0.93USD',
         'taxamount'       => '0.07USD',
         'referringurl'    => $HTTP_REFERER,
         'browsertype'     => $HTTP_USER_AGENT,

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   #@ add_shipping_address
   #~ Create an ADDRESS object with type shipping. You want to attach this to 
   #~ the auth request, so use the return from that as a parent identifier here.

   ## Syntaxt:
   ##  object_identifier: add_shipping_address (
   ##      object identifier : parent object
   ##     ,array: address details
   ##  )

          'fullname' => 'Hagar Tarball Horrible',
          'address1' => '123 Pilage street',
          'address2' => 'Suite 100',
          'city'     => 'Valhalla',
          'state'    => 'NA',
          'zip'      => '12345',
          'country'  => 'NO',
          'phone'    => '5555551234',
          'email'    => ''

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   #@ add_ordertext
   #~ Inserts (optional) ordertext.
   #~ Remember: ordertext is very limited, check the Surepay SDK documentation,
   #~ people keep asking me about this and getting errors, my advice: Skip it!
   #~ (This could easily have been done in the add_auth function instead)

   ## Syntax:
   ##  object_identifier: add_ordertext (
   ##      object_identifier: parent object
   ##     ,string: type set (description|instructions|classification)
   ##     ,string: text (very limited length!)
   ##  )

        'Mark as '

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   #@ add_creditcard
   #~ Adds a creditcard object. The cvv2 security feature should always be uses,
   #~ therefor the cvv2status is 1 by default an no need to specify it.
   #~ to turn it of, set code to 0 and status to 0. Status 9 can be 
   #~ uses optionally if the clients card has no code.

   ## Syntax:
   ##  object_identifier: add_creditcard (
   ##      object_identifier: parent object
   ##     ,string: card number
   ##     ,string: expiration (mm/yy)
   ##     ,int: cvv2 code from card
   ##    [,int: cvv2status (security mode) (0|1|9) default is 1 (In Use)]
   ##    [,array: billing address]
   ##  )
   # This sample does not use the cvv2 code since it is a test request
   # according to the surepay SDK specifications

     $creditcard = $ssp->add_creditcard(

   #@ add_billing_address
   #~ Create an ADDRESS object with type billing. You want to attach this to 
   #~ the payment object, so use the return from that as a parent identifier here.

   ## Syntaxt:
   ##  object_identifier: add_billing_address (
   ##      object identifier : parent object
   ##     ,array: address details
   ##  )

          'fullname' => 'Hagar T Horrible',
          'address1' => '123 Pilage street',
          'address2' => 'Kitchen Delivery Door',
          'city'     => 'Valhalla',
          'state'    => 'NA',
          'zip'      => '12345',
          'country'  => 'NO',
          'phone'    => '5555551234',
          'email'    => ''

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   #@ add_lineitem
   #~ Adds an item to the order. We recommend splitting it up and not
   #~ collect a total sum in one item. If you add only one item with the
   #~ total charge, it is between you, surepay, and your merchant account
   #~ provider to determine if it is the right way or not.
   #~ alternatively you can add option sub objects in the same function.

   ## Syntax:
   ##  object_identifier: add_lineitem (
   ##      object_identifier: parent object (The AUTH object)
   ##     ,int: quantity,
   ##     ,string: sku,
   ##     ,string: description, 
   ##     ,string: unit cost (currency) [d..d]d.ccUSD
   ##     ,real: taxrate in decimal notation (0.08 = 8%)
   ##    [,array: options ]
   ##  )

     $item = $ssp->add_lineitem (
        'Sixpack Samuel Adamas Boston Lager',

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   #@ add_option
   #~ Add options to lineitem

   ## Syntax:
   ##  object_identifier: add_option (
   ##      object_identifier: parent object
   ##     ,string: option label
   ##     ,string: option value
   ##  )

      if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

      if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   # Add another lineitem object (inlcuding two options) in the AUTH object

     $item = $ssp->add_lineitem (
        'Sixpack George Killians Irish Red',
        array (
           'type' => 'domestic',
           'logo' => 'horsehead'

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

# This ends the Creditcard request, it could have been used as it is
# at this point to do a request to surepay.



      add_auth (inluding shipping address and ordertext)
           add_telecheck (including billing address and id)
           add_lineitem (incl option)
# Every function is not commented with syntax etc here,
# Only the ones not commented above.

   # First we'll add another AUTH object to our request
   # This time we'll include shipping address and ordertext in the same
   # function.

     $auth = $ssp->add_auth( 
         'ordernumber'     => '18140518',
         'ecommerce'       => 'true',
         'ecommercecode'   => '07',
         'ponumber'        => 'E-mail Hagar',
         'ipaddress'       => $REMOTE_ADDR,
         'shippingcost'    => '1.00USD',
         'taxamount'       => '0.00USD',
         'referringurl'    => $HTTP_REFERER,
         'browsertype'     => $HTTP_USER_AGENT,
          'fullname' => 'Jr. Hagar Horrible',
          'address1' => '145 Vaernes Gata',
          'address2' => 'Poelse med Lompe',
          'city'     => 'Valhalla',
          'state'    => 'NA',
          'zip'      => '12345',
          'country'  => 'NO',
          'phone'    => '+4712555554',
          'email'    => ''
          'instructions' => 'Pottittstappe med saus'

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   #@ add_telecheck
   #~ Adds a telecheck object. See for info on what it is
   #~ Basically it lets people pay with a paper check, telecheck "Converts" it to
   #~ an electronic payment. You must have a TeleCheck Merchant account to use it!

   ## Syntax:
   ##  object_identifier: add_telecheck (
   ##      object_identifier: parent object
   ##     ,string: Check number
   ##     ,string: MICR number (Continous string of EVERY number on the bottom of the check)
   ##     ,boolean: isbusiness (true = business, false=persona)
   ##    [,array: identification object attributes (Dr.license)]
   ##    [,array: billing address]
   ##  )
   # This sample does not use the cvv2 code since it is a test request
   # according to the surepay SDK specifications

     $telecheck = $ssp->add_telecheck (
        array (
          'type'     => 'driverslicense',
          'number'   => '123123123',
          'issuedby' => 'NY'
          'fullname' => 'Hagar Zipdrive Horrible',
          'address1' => 'PO Box 1',
          'city'     => 'Valhalla',
          'state'    => 'NA',
          'zip'      => '12345',
          'country'  => 'NO',
          'phone'    => '+4712555554',
          'email'    => ''

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

/* Alternatively you could have used the separate functions
   add_id_driverslicense and add_billing_address instead */

   #@ add_id_driverslicense
   #~ Add a id object of type driverslicense

   ## Syntax:
   ##  object_identifier: add_id_driverslicense (
   ##      object_identifier: parent object
   ##     ,string: number (License number)
   ##     ,string: issuedby (In US use state 2 letter abreviation code)
   ##  )

   Sample of usage: 
   (Not used in test script since already included in add_telecheck sample)

   $ssp->add_id_driverslicense (


   # Add a couple of items

     $item = $ssp->add_lineitem (
        'Heineken Dark',
        array (
           'type' => 'import',

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

     $item = $ssp->add_lineitem (

     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

# This ends the Telecheck request


  ***  Submittal to Surepay's server and response decode ***


   #@ prepare_request
   #~ Takes all the added objects and creates XML data
   #~ The XML data is stored in variable xml_request as well as returned
   #~ You MUST execute this before posting a request

   ## Syntax:
   ##  string: prepare_request ()


     if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description

   # At this point in the script you could:
   #  Use the created XML data and submit by other means
   #    or
   #  Have built the XML data your self and assign it to xml_request
   #    or
   #  Manipulate the XML data to fit spesific needs or perhaps store it
   #  in a database or file or send email (USE ENCRYPTION!!!)

   # Give some output for this test script
   echo "

The Request we are submitting:

" .
        htmlentities($ssp->xml_request,ENT_QUOTES) . "\n
"; #@ submit_request #~ Submits your prepared XML data to the surepay server and #~ awaits a response. The response is stored in xml_response, #~ as well as being returned. ## Syntax ## string: submit_request ( ## [ integer: timeout in seconds (default 90)] ## [,integer: SSL version (0|2|3)] ## ) $ssp->submit_request(); if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description # Give some respons output to the test script echo "

The response xml we got back:

" . 
           htmlentities($ssp->xml_response,ENT_QUOTES) . "\n
"; #@ parse_response #~ Parses received response data and returns a total amount of responses ## Syntax: ## int: parse_response () $responsecount = $ssp->parse_response(); if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description if (!$responsecount) { echo "We got 0 responses? Something must have gone wrong somewhere...\n"; exit; # Seems to be no real error? } #@ auths #~ returns an array holding the keys of all responses of type AUTH ## Syntax: ## array: auths( ) $auths = $ssp->auths(); if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description # Output our responses and their status to the test script # This output is a little messy, but you get the general idea # from the auth_status control. # It is up to you and your application how to handle the # various states, check avs and cvv2 status and so on... echo "


\n"; echo "

".$responsecount." responses was successfully parsed

\n"; while (list($key,$order)=each($auths)) { echo "

Response $key - Ordernumber $order
\n"; echo "Transaction id: ".($ssp->auth_trans_id($order))."
\n"; echo "Authorization status: " . $ssp->auth_status($order) . " --> "; if ($ssp->auth_status($order) == 'AUTH') echo 'Successfull authorized'; elseif ($ssp->auth_status($order) == 'DCL') echo 'Declined'; elseif ($ssp->auth_status($order) == 'REF') echo 'Refered (NOT authorized!)'; elseif ($ssp->auth_status($order) == 'ERR') echo 'An error occured while processing'; else echo 'Unknown or no status type (probably failure)'; echo "
\n"; echo "Authcode: " . $ssp->auth_authcode($order) . "
\n"; echo "cvv2result: " . $ssp->auth_cvv2result($order) . "
\n"; echo "avs: " . $ssp->auth_avs($order) . "
\n"; echo "failure: " . $ssp->auth_failure($order) . "
\n"; echo "error text: " . $ssp->auth_text($order) . "

\n"; if ($ssp->err) die($ssp->err); # Die with error description } # For more information on the various response datam seethe surepay SDK doc (XML section). # Especially Security code verification status, cvv2status, and address verification # status, avs, may be interresting. # Do laundry unset($ssp); ?>